Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday (late shift again!)

And because it is raining, the library is not very busy, so I can do some of this. I am probably not going to get all the modules done, but will keep working at it. Having holidays certainly did not help, I forgot the lot. I am less of a technophobe since starting this, but still give the difficult stuff,(even mildly testing), to the other staff! Thank goodness they are computer literate!
I had to go and edit some of my earlier posts as half the sentence (and sense) was missing.
I must try and keep on with the touch typing lessons, it is certainly faster, and seems more accurate when others do it, ( perhaps cause they are watching the screen, not hunting and pecking). Back to the study.

Monday, April 14, 2008

back again

I will have to redo some of the items so I can move on. Hope to do better now - my brain may have absorbed somnething.

back again