Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I have tried rss feeds and all sorts of things I didn't know i "needed" now am giving Wikis a go..
I am only reading at the moment but it looks interesting. From reading some of the other blogs, librarians are now "wasting" a lot of time. I hope we will eventually be able to put this into practice, but am not sure how may of my patrons are using this technology. The teens are still Facebooking and gaming... what will they do if the library starts to charge for access. I am fairly sure we get some who come here so parents and others don't find out what they are doing.
Suppose I had better get back Wiki-ing.
The number and style of the exampples was great. And I found some Australian sites. Loved the pictures of Mosman (note - go back there and look longer). I am sharing heaps with other team members who are accessing different sites, we are now trying to analyse some to see how they are arranged. Who said a little knowledge is a dangerous thing", we may be guilty of that! This was one of the more interesting things to look at., and more easily understood, (not that I would EVER create one).

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